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AFT Colorado BiennialConvention

          This is a call to the AFT ColoradoBiennial Convention to convene at 9:00 am on Saturday, April 26th, 2025, at the Douglas County Federation offices located at 304 Inverness Way S., Centennial, CO   80112. Registration and pre-convention committee meetings will begin at 8:00 am. 


Enclosed please find your Preliminary Notice of Delegate Strength, Officer Nomination Form and Resolution FormRefer to your Notice of Delegate Strength for the number of delegates your local is allotted. Delegates must be members in good standing of the credentialing local. It is important to elect delegates at a union meeting. 


Enclosed are nomination forms for the Meyer/Mall Volunteer Award, Ellen Slatkin Loyal Unionist Award and the Friend of Education Award which will be presented at the Convention. 


Also enclosed is a copy of the current AFT Colorado Constitution for your review. Any suggested changes to the Constitution must be received in writing to AFT Colorado no later than 11:59 PM on March 15th, 2025. If you wish to submit a change to the Constitution/ByLaws for AFT Colorado submit your change in writing specifying the Article, Section and subsection for the change.


Officer Nomination, Award Nomination and Resolutions forms are due into AFT Colorado by 11:59 PM on March 26, 2025.

Official Credential Forms and any Constitutional Amendments or Resolutions to be considered will be sent to you at a later date. 

 Current AFT Colorado officers include:


President: Bernie Jiron, DFPNSE

Vice President: Wayne Scott, CCSEA
Secretary-Treasurer: Sarah Mesmer, DCFVice President: Sheila Rucki, MSFF
Executive VP: Kathy Dorman, DCFVice President: Lucy Squire - DCF
Vice President:  Deidre Smith - DFPNSE

Vice President: Christy Herrick, CCSEA


Registration cost is $20 per delegate.  If you are located at least seventy-five miles from the convention location please contact the office at for additional information on funds available for mileage reimbursement. 


Each local must notify each of your members of the convention’s location, date and time as election for officers will take place. The terms of office are for two years and are volunteer positions. Please notify your membership as soon as possible. 


If you have any questions, or need any additional forms please contact this office.


Officer Nomination Form  

Meyer/Mall Volunteer Award Form

Friend of Public Education Form

Ellen Stalkin Loyal Unionist Award Form

Resolution Form Worksheet

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